Monday, January 02, 2006

Here's my very first entry for 2006 :)

2006 is going to be a very challenging year!! Cos, I am taking up new subject.. have dreams to fulfil(wonder if I can fulfil it!!??)and lots of new things to come by.. I had made some resolutions, promises and aims..

1.Must brush up my languages!!
2.Be in my fullest in all netball training to produce the best result!
3.Learn to have higher level of tolerance
4.Work hard at all times to produce good result (academic)
5.Be a national player (can I do it??)
6.SAVE UP MONEY, by Dec at least have $50 saving!!
7.Try to balance everything
8.Try to spend as much time as I could with my family
9.Hope that HGV Netball can continue after Marianne's batch step-down
10.Last of all, my Netball career can continue FOREVER!!

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