Monday, September 18, 2006

Over the weekend I was at Palau Ubin.. to have NPCC Adventure Traning Camp..(ATC)

Not too bad.. I really got to say I really learnt! I made 4 serious mistakes there.. and I really LEARNT!

But wat I felt most is actually my feelings towards him.. I should have forgot him long time ago.. but.. ... I ....... somehow liked back him.. on the other hand I don't dare to do so.. In whatever way, something bad will happened. everyone will be hurt.. or rather at least someone will be hurt..

I read a email just now that said that we must always say out how we feel for someone before the right time we think we should say is too late.. haiz.. Should I say?

Now I really wanna sms him.. really! But.. I really just don't dare..

*Love you..*

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