Friday, August 25, 2006

I been having a problem on how to start an entry... Am I suppose to start with, "Hi!" or straight into topic?? lolx.. no idea.. Nvm!

I have no idea how to write what and how I think and feel this week.. Oh ya before I start on the issue.. I apologize for not updating frequently. For this whole week, I been very busy.. and gets tired at night. Hence, didn't update.. Sorry to my dearest loyal readers..

In my opinion, this week trainings, NPCC and Netball, are quite slacky. Nothing much to do during trainings. However, I do like cartain parts of one of my Netball's trainings. [=

This week life has been moving very fast.. I got pretty confused and lost (I think).. I just don't know why I can't stand a lot of things.. When a minor obstacle gets into my way, I will be very fustrated! *sigh*

There's another thing that I can't take it! I can't stand myself having short-temper! I have no idea how to tolerate things. *sigh* I really hope I can do something to help myself to get rid of this bad habit. Any suggestion?

I am OK! No worry. My MSN nick recently was "Please do not talk to me.. Let me be alone.." Many of my friends who are concern about me, asked if I was ok and whether I need any help or not.. I am perfectly OK! Sometimes, I just want to be alone and concentrate on my work. No worry and thanks a million for the concern! It is appreciated!

*YAWN* I am tired! lolx.. ok.. see you guys! Bye!

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