Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Fever today.. but I didn't realise until Li Ling told me.. LOL.. ya.. was trembling.. Thought was just only feeling nervous therefore tremble.. (nervous for what? no idea) Ya.. after school, ask my friends to see if I am really having fever.. Ya.. I am.. I just keep on trembling till I finally SWEAT!! Thought got better but after the sweat dry up, fever came back.. ~.` Obviously no one care! Ya.. everyone only bother about the training.. Maybe in my daily life I didn't care for others.. oh well.. this maybe a retribution.. Fever wasn't that bad.. worst part.. EXTRA TRAINING on Fri! I am going to curse and swear the person who does so.. HMPH! Damn it.. Was very irritated by it..

Was most upset when just now, someone just can't be bothered.. I almost wanna blown up.. but nvm.. I know that someone has someone and ya.. NVM!

Ok.. test revision now.. ya. BIO + PHY! -.~

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