Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Having a pile of homework today.. Ya, missed today's netball at BBEC there.. =(

Been busy this week.. and ya, have quite few things not done yet.. )=
1. Perth PP slide
2. Perth Scape bk
3. TD Proposal
4. English W.S
5. 40 Bio MCQ
6. Mindmap (Bio)
7. Prepare for tests
8. Get the photos done
9. Settle my NPCC stuffs
10. Physics Wkbk

... Ya.. been on a really down mood.. Wanted to get some help but I only had people gving me problems.. So I just simply heck them and shall not discuss things with them..

In my mind, I been wondering who can I talk to.. When I am down, I can hardly concentrate.. Maybe this is mood swing.. I have no idea.. oh well.. sometimes feel really sian man..

Ok, guess that's all for today.. need to go and finish what's mentioned above..

~.- *sign*

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